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Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

My Little Lovey...

My Little Lovey... - house designs are increasingly growing, from minimalist to luxurious very many variations, many blogs that discuss the beautiful interior and exterior including this blog Beautiful luxury living room interior design high quality pictures here we'll provide available information on the latest home design, well now we will discuss My Little Lovey..., the information we present a very complete because we collected a lot of data and a variety of our experience in the world of design, ok please continue reading:
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My Little Lovey...

... is here!!  He was born last Monday (May 21st) in the afternoon and weighed 7 lbs 8 oz.

{There is no better feeling on this Earth than the moment when you first hold your baby}

...And here he is all cleaned up and in his nightie:

His name is Luke David & we are so in love with him.

 {Here he is with his Daddy- David.  We've barely put him down all week.}

Anyway, I just wanted to share our news with you & hope you're having a great week!  I'm not sure when I'll be back in -  I'm really trying to devote all of my attention to the family right now- but when I am I've got lots to share on what we've been doing around here. :)

And a note on the exhaustion/ coping level-  I have to say that with my husband home for 1 more week, we're doing pretty well.  Life with 3 boys is DEFINITELY an adjustment but so far, so good.  Right now, we're tag-teaming & it's really manageable but I'm a little nervous about when real life & work picks up & we're not only focusing on the family & life at home.  I'm trying not to think about it right now & to just recup & relax...  On that note, I'm also sooooo excited to get to work out again.  I gained 60 (!) pounds so I'm ready to RUNNNNN... :)  (I gained 60 with each of my other pregnancies too =  FUN.  not.) 

ok, I'm off.  Have missed you all!!

xoxo, Lauren
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.

so much information My Little Lovey...

hopefully the information My Little Lovey... can give you the benefit to determine the suitable home design for your family.

we provide enough information so My Little Lovey... may be useful to you in building a dream home, please book mark or share this link if it worthwhile for you. thank you

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